Thursday 19 May 2011

Once these blasted exams get over, I'm going to wake myself up. I've been feeling a little lethargic lately, not physically but mentally - I'm slowing down, not doing the things I should be doing. Time-wasting can be nice sometimes, but right now- there is simply no time to waste and I need to wake up and get back on track. There's a lot that needs to be done, if I want to achieve even half my goals. I like being overworked, and most of the time, I welcome the stress - because it means that I'm making the time count.
In the meanwhile, a rainy day + a curled up furry cat + an evening out with close friends = much needed bliss. You guys know who you are. <3


storyteller said...

You are an adorable apple pie! <3

Monidipa said...


little boxes said...

:) Yay!
Dont worry about the lethargy. It wont last beyond exams.
Hugs and Chilly, Crisp, (Honey?), Chicken <3

Magically Bored said...

@ Storyteller: What, with vanilla icecream?

@ Monidipa: :)

@ Little Boxes: Let's hope so. And it's Crispy Honey Chicken. (Err, I think so!)