Saturday, 28 March 2009

The Birthday And The Bodhisatwa.

Ma's 48th birthday came and went amidst a lot of love, laughter, celebration and presents. Here's wishing her a fabulous year ahead.
Guppy's here too, and like always, it's massive fun having him around. His cooking is now an added bonus!
It's nice to have the Dasguptas back together, if only for a short while.


Bone said...

your mum must be massively proud of having such amazing kids. also, since when have you been magically bored? :P

Deboleena said...

2 lovely pics :)

Uttaran Das Gupta said...

The spelling of our surname is "Das" (space) "Gupta"

little boxes said...

well,belated wishes for her...
god bless :)

CheshireCat said...

I love the little collage-thingy.