Saturday, 11 April 2009

The Second Ear Piercing.

Sometimes, all it takes to overcome a lifelong fear and queasiness is the reassuring touch of a friend's hand, plenty of Mentos, and the thought of cold coffee and PNPC.


little boxes said...

i completely agree with that one :)
i felt the EXACT same way

SPIRITed! said...

I know I should be saying something like "oh my god its so pretty and cute and some new level of awesomeness altogether" (and it is), but all I can manage is an "ouch".

SPIRITed! said...

Does it hurt?

Magically Bored said...

@ Little Boxes: Hah, yes. It's not as hard as it seems.

@ Spirited!: It's not really that painful, just like a very hard pinch, and a vague ache in the ear afterwards. Also, it's not a cartilage piercing, it's in the flesh. Besides, it looks nice. So I don't have any regrets! :)

Thresia said...

wowowowow. nice. a third one would look good too. or maybe you can get the nose done. did i tell you before? i'm a sucker for peircings. :D

Esmo said...

ah ...look who's all holier than thou....its the holy fish!!

Magically Bored said...

@ Sia: Heh. I think two pairs of piercings are enough for me. I don't want any more. :P

@ Esmo: Hah. Yes. :P

CheshireCat said...

What? No mention of fellow bimbo who be piercing buddy?


Astraeus said...

never a truer word spoken